A love for Portland

Yesterday(Tuesday) I was reflecting on this past week that I spent hanging out in Arizona. I found myself more in tune with God yesterday than I did at anytime in Arizona. I began to contemplate if I was too busy to spend time with God or if I wasn't listening and being still. After some time of just staring out the window admiring the beautiful Oregon scenery, it hit me! I realized in that moment that God has been revealing himself to me more and more in my daily routine than ever before. Let me point out that I am not saying that God isn't in Arizona. There are wonderful people in Arizona and God is moving and chooses to move where ever he so desires! I think this is what it means though to be called to a city. He has me in this place for a reason, and has put in my heart an unexplainable love for Portland! I realized that in my day to day life here God is ever present! Whether I am hanging out at a local coffee shop or talking to a stranger on the streets or at the pub; whether I am just out for a bike ride or I am hanging out with my Groves' family, I feel God's presence in my life. If I take the time to realize it, He is present in everything I do. Take time to realize the small ways in which God reveals himself to us!
