erik.cederberg erik.cederberg

New Space to Dream

We are about to celebrate ten years as The Groves Church in Portland! We began at Portland State University in the Fall of 2009 and have maintained a commitment to be accessible to students and gather weekly in homes and public venues in inner Portland. 

After only being able to rent space for a few hours on Sundays for our worship gatherings, moving several times over the last few years, we are excited to announce a partnership with Sunnyside United Methodist Church in the heart of SE Portland. This collaboration is giving us the opportunity to bring our creative and neighborhood facing dreams into a beautiful and historic space, 24/7, 365 days a year.

Sunnyside UMC is already being utilized as multi-functional space by theater companies, a music studio for kids, basketball clubs, dance groups, AA, and a number of other community groups. We are excited about partnerships and already finding ways to work together for the common good. The Groves will begin weekly worship services Sunday August 4th at 10:30a.

We have begun conversations and started collaborating with the neighborhood for music and art shows, expanding space for kids and youth, planning family events, and community meals. 

We invite you into this space with us! Come imagine, dream, and serve. We’re excited about our future in, with, and for the Sunnyside community.

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