Worshipping God in the City

God is faithfully at work in the urban core. We are here to join Him and live worshipful lives in the middle of our context. As the author of the book of Hebrews writes, “God takes particular pleasure in acts of worship—a different kind of ‘sacrifice’—that takes place in the kitchen and workplace and on the streets.”

When we gather on Sundays we take the opportunity to experience God through conversation, music, and scripture. Our intent is to create space where we can engage and explore our faith freely and authentically. Whether we are individually experiencing pain or joy, doubt or courage, we gather together to honor God, to be reminded of His character and goodness, and respond

Cultivating Transformative Communities

We are called to be together. We are called to bring others together.

We are committed to grow in Jesus-like selfless love. Recognizing we have different experiences and backgrounds with diverse perspectives, we may disagree on theological or ideological matters but believe unity (not uniformity) is found in Christ. 

All are welcome. We acknowledge that even the first disciples followed and learned from Jesus before they believed and recognized Him as their Savior. Our practice and hope is to be a community where we can belong before we believe, where we can wrestle with doubt and ask questions as we investigate God and faith. 

Making Disciples of Jesus

The primary mission of the Church is to make disciples. We believe following Jesus and becoming like Him involves a loving community and the activity of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Questions that guide us in how we share our faith and follow Jesus: Are we bringing attention to Jesus or ourselves? What is our trajectory? Are we headed towards God or in another direction (regardless of how "close" we may presently be)? Is God's character being reflected in our lives? Are habits and compulsions changing? Are we becoming more like Jesus? 

Loving Mercy and Doing Justice

We take God's compassion and concern for the vulnerable as our own and embrace Christ’s example of relieving suffering and opposing oppressive forces. We recognize the systems and powers at work that contribute to the brokenness we all experience and choose to act in mercy towards our fellow citizens, whatever the circumstance or situation. Words that matter to us: listening, humility, reconciliation, and forgiveness.